Dental Implant Treatment Types

Dental implants are a specialist fixture made from Titanium that essentially replaces the root of a missing tooth. The dental implant “bonds” to bone giving a firm fixture so that a crown can be attached, or in a more complex case, other attachments can be made in order to replace multiple missing teeth. These procedures allow for a number of different treatment types to be available for dental implant patients, depending on factors such as the number of teeth that need to be replaced, suitability for dental implant treatments, and whether the patient would prefer a faster or slower process and time spent with temporary dentures. 

Single Tooth Implants


Single tooth implants are best placed to replace individual teeth, whether at the front or back of the mouth. The procedure does not damage any adjacent, healthy teeth, and can preserve bone in the long term, as well as providing chewing support and restoring your smile.

Getting a single tooth implant at 7oaks Advanced Dental Implant Clinic is a simple procedure, painless, and carried out under local anaesthetic. We provide a temporary replacement tooth, where necessary, during the procedure - allowing us to restore or maintain your smile throughout. Each person’s individual requirements will always be considered when planning the type of temporary provided, based on consultations with our dental implant surgeons. 


Multiple Dental Implants

If you are missing multiple teeth, dental implants can provide an ideal fixed replacement that can last a lifetime. There are a number of different multiple dental implant treatment types available, depending on the needs of the patient. These include: 


  • Bridge & Implants - This option offers two to three dental implants and a bridge, as not every tooth being replaced requires its own implant - thereby maximising the effectiveness of the implant treatment.
  • Full Arch Treatments -  These treatments offer a combination of multiple implants and a fixed bridge, with up to 6 teeth able to be replaced by dental implants which then allows for a much more secure bridge that covers a wider area.
  • All-on-4 Treatments - Also commonly referred to as “smile in a day” or “same day teeth”, these treatments include a fixed temporary replacement on the same day as the teeth are extracted and implants placed - avoiding the need for even temporary dentures during the treatment. 


Bone Grafting & Sinus Treatments

Bone loss can occur for many reasons, including following the loss of teeth, from pre-existing tooth infections and as a result of gum disease. This means bone grafting, sometimes called bone augmentation, is necessary to achieve a good dental implant outcome.

There is a very wide choice of grafting materials and techniques, and should you require grafting, we will explain why and how this can be achieved, along with the preferred materials for an individual’s requirements. In most instances grafting is carried out at the time of implants being placed so completion of treatment is not delayed. Occasionally, it is necessary to graft in advance of implants being placed.

Sinus grafting treatments involve significantly less invasive surgery being required in the vast majority of cases, reducing surgical trauma, resulting in a significantly improved patient experience.


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